The first map below is based on a snapshot from Google Maps, and as such is admittedly no big thrill. However, it was my frustration at having to create maps like this on-the-fly for various needs that inspired me to recreate the campus map in…
A semi-regular design duty while I was a librarian at Mars Hill University, this semi-annual newsletter highlighted our new resources for faculty and staff. InDesign was my friend here.
Feb 2014 page 1 / interior
Feb 2014 page 2 / exterior (trifold)
Aug 2014 page 1 /…
Midway through my decade at Renfro Library at Mars Hill University, we as a library (director, 4 librarians & 4 staff) invited the faculty to a presentation. Having put in my time in the PowerPoint trenches since 1991, when its toolbox was about as robust…
This is a research guide I created for a History course's research project, where each student chose a historically important album from the 1960s (or early 1970s) to explore. My limitations here were severe: (1) Use only MS Word, (2) use only Calibri font, (3)…
In 2018, Asheville historian and author Rob Neufeld wrote a booklet to accompany author Gail Godwin's keynote speech at that year's Carolina Mountains Literary Festival. I designed and published (with InDesign) the 32-page booklet given out as a memento to attendees.
Rob Neufeld's essay was…
As an academic librarian, the most heartbreaking thing bar none that I witnessed was when students had not saved their work in many minutes or hours, and a computer crash or battery failure nuked their work. This was a huge problem with our laptops and…
Have you ever heard the 1980 compilation album Miniatures? The gimmick is a great one: 50 tracks, by 50 artists, each no longer than one minute.
I took that as inspiration and ran with it, compiling 6 CDs of similar miniatures. For packaging, I filled…
Each year that I worked there, Renfro Library held a catered celebration to honor the scholarly publications and creative achievements of faculty and staff.
I created the visual identity for the event and tried each year to honor its design principles while tweaking the…
This is a collection of Terre’s randomonia circa 1995, the very start of her career.
The texts come from various sources written by Terre. The musical pieces were released on various compilations and other obscure sources, none of which had artwork attractive enough to base…
I have older websites. Much, much older.
My older websites are no longer desirable. They are skeuomorphic, they abuse tables, their gifs are becoming more dither than image.
I just can't say farewell forever to my old personal website designs, and the…